Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Time Suckers

Time Suckers

So what-my friend is sucking your day?
Taking from you the way you should play,
stealing away what your life wants to say?

Time suckers.. time suckers

The clicker in hand, flipping around
twenty-four channels just to hear sound.
There’s nothing worthwhile tonight to be found.

Time suckers.. time suckers

Or is it my friend that sucking facebook?
I’ll be just a minute, must take a quick look
that turns into an hour, my precious timesucking crook.

Time suckers.. time suckers

Is your day sucked up in bits and in snips?
Stolen eack time the cellphone it blips.
Grab it and soon your fingers they fly
send a new text in the blink of an eye.

Time suckers..  time suckers

I did not mention e-bay or craigslist
or the queen of all suckers they call Pintrest
There’s so many suckers my brain needs a rest!

Time suckers.. time suckers
So what would I do, and who would I tell
the things that I think, the thoughts that I sell?
And how would I know if the world went to hell?
Time suckers.. time suckers

I’d paint, and I’d sew, and I’d get things done.
I might even break out in a run.
But there is one thing I know is true,
I’d surely have more time to play with you!

Monday, February 13, 2012

This is my latest painting in oils. I discovered the palate knife, and had a blast using it. Is the sun too sunny? I am thinking of calling it Repicheeps journey. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

A Pot of Boiling Quiet

A Pot of Boiling Quiet
You may think that peace and quiet
walk always hand in hand,
but that’s not what my life declares
through hourglass of sand.
On the bench at Marmatton
in the midst of Claude Monet,
or wandering your favorite path,
quiet hour in your day.
This is when our peace and quiet
shine through so bright and true,
but something odd can jump right in
and do it’s thing to you.
A pot of boiling quiet-
there is no peace involved.
It is so hot and bubbles up
get ready for the scald.
Now the quiet’s not so peaceful,
full of angry bitter strife.
And the tension is so thick,
you can cut it with a knife.
So I try to paint the picture
to give you a small view,
of a miss-matched quiet
hopefully not true for you.
So if your peace and peaceful
and you’re quiet real,
bask in that moment in your life.
Thank God for how you feel.